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Language of Greece

Below are a few Greek words and phrases to learn while visiting!

ne - Yes

ohi - No

ya! - Hello!

yasou - Hello (to you)

kalimera - Good day/morning

kalispera - Good afternoon/evening

kalinihta - Good night

ti kanis? - How are you?

poly kala - Very well

efharisto - Thank you

signomi - Sorry!

katalaveno - I understand

then katalaveno - I don't understand

milate anglika? - Do you (pl.) speak English?

me lene (your name) - My name is (your name)

pame! - Let's go!

poso kani? - How much does it cost?

ti ora ine? - What time is it?

pos pai? - How is it going?

                                          Nero - Water

Fagito - Food

Tsai - Tea

Kafe - Coffee

Bira - Beer

Flyko - Dessert

Tilefono - Telephone

Leoforio - Bus

Magazia - Shop

Nosokomeio - Hospital

Krasi - Wine

Pagoto - Ice Cream

Zahari - Sugar

Gala - Milk

Psomi -  Bread

Treno - Train

Taksi - Taxi

Paralia - Beach

Trapeza - Bank

Giatro - Doctor

Pago - Ice Cubes

Kreas - Meat

Psari - Fish

Thalassina - Seafood

Kotopoulo - Chicken

Aeroplano - Aeroplane

Aerodromio - Airport

Xenothohio - Hotel

Astinomia - Police

Farmakeio - Pharmacy

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